Scholarship For Organized Students

Next Projected Scholarship: February 1, 2020

Next Application Deadline: TBD

Thank you to every scholarship participant so far! Our next scholarship essay choice is yet to be determined and will likely restart in February 1, 2020!

Congratulations to the February 2019 Winner

Congratulations to the February 2019 winner of the Scholarship For Organized Students! Our most recent winner has requested to remain anonymous, but they are a graduating Senior in high school that recently got accepted into the #1 college of their choice! We enjoyed their essay on their 5 year plan and excelling in education was a big part of it. We look forward to your future 5 years and beyond!

How can I get any other questions answered?

Please email if you have any questions about the scholarship that aren’t answered here.

Scholarship Application Form

The form will appear when we have created a new application and essay topic. Check back later for when it’s live!

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